
From webCoRE Wiki - Web-enabled Community's own Rule Engine
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  • Piston: These are your rules inside of webCoRE.
  • Instance: Each installation of webCoRE is considered a seperate instance. You may have only 1 or several.
  • Variable: A container of information that is local to a piston.
  • Global Variable: A container of information that is accessible by all pistons in the same instance.
  • Super Global Variable: A container of information that is accessible across locations.
  • Location: SmartThings hubs are considered a location.
  • Dashboard (beta): Currently does nothing besides display your devices all in one page.
  • Fuel Stream (beta): Displays logged data in pretty graphs.
  • Blank Piston: Create a new piston from scratch.
  • Duplicate Piston: Create a carbon copy of another piston from any of your instances.
  • Template Piston: There is currently no templates, so this method has yet to be implemented.
  • Restore Piston: Allows you to import a piston from other users backup bin code.
  • Import Piston: Allows you to import a backup of your pistons.
  • Backup Bin Code: This is an alphanumeric code that can be used to import pistons from other users.