WCmore's DragAndDrop

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Revision as of 23:34, 2 March 2020 by WCmore (talk | contribs) (Move or Copy Code using drag and drop)
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Move or Copy Code using drag and drop

To drag & drop code in your piston, you can go into Edit mode, and then click up top to turn on that feature.


Once enabled, you can select a block by clicking in the yellow region… (clicking in different spots will change what code is selected)

  • The blue numbers on the left show what is selected.
  • You can drag by grabbing the maroon arrows…
  • Carefully drop it in the text region, once the right spot is highlighted
  • Hold down Ctrl while dragging to make a copy.

NOTE: If you want to copy the block into a DIFFERENT piston, you can select the block as mentioned above, and then right click to copy that selected text to your webCoRE clipboard. This will be available when you add new statements in other pistons. (Pro Tip: Each browser keeps it's own clipboard)

Dragging & dropping in a complex piston

It is important to keep in mind that your code is no longer selected once you let go of the mouse. This means that it’s easy to “lose” it in a large piston

Perhaps the best advice to prepare for this:

  • Look closely at which lines are selected before grabbing the move arrows
  • Never let go of your mouse without double checking your cursor’s highlighted location

For an extremely complex (surgical) drag & drop, I may add comment(s) beforehand, so that section of code stands out.

WCmore's Tips - Table of Contents
