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Revision as of 04:46, 5 May 2017 by Eibyer (talk | contribs) (String)
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converts a value to it's boolean value
contains(string, substring)
returns true if a string contains a substring
endsWith(string, substring)
returns true if a string ends with a substring
eq(value1, value2)
returns true if two values are equal
ge(value1, value2)
returns true if value1 >= value2
gt(value1, value2)
returns true if value1 > value2
isBetween(value, startValue, endValue)
returns true if value >= startValue and value <= endValue
returns true if the value is empty
le(value1, value2)
returns true if value1 <= value2
lt(value1, value2)
returns true if value1 < value2
returns the negative boolean value
startsWith(string, substring)
returns true if a string starts with a substring


returns the value as a date type


addDays(dateTime, days)
returns the value as a time type
addHours(dateTime, hours)
returns the value as a time type
addMinutes(dateTime, minutes)
returns the value as a time type
addSeconds(dateTime, seconds)
returns the value as a time type
addWeeks(dateTime, weeks)
returns the value as a time type


calculates the average of a series of numeric values
ceiling(decimal or string)
converts a decimal value to it's closest higher integer value
converts temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius
decimal(integer or string)
converts an integer value to it's decimal value
dewPoint(temperature, relativeHumidity[, scale])
returns the calculated dew point temperature
converts temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit
floor(decimal or string)
converts a decimal value to it's closest lower integer value
calculates the maximum of a series of numeric values
returns the value in the middle of a sorted array
calculates the minimum of a series of numeric values
power(integer or decimal or string, power)
converts a decimal value to it's power decimal value
round(decimal or string, [precision])
converts a decimal value to it's rounded value
sqr(integer or decimal or string)
converts a decimal value to it's square decimal value
sqrt(integer or decimal or string)
converts a decimal value to it's square root decimal value
calculates the standard deviation of a series of numeric values
calculates the sum of a series of numeric values
calculates the standard deviation of a series of numeric values


if(condition, valueIfTrue, valueIfFalse)
evaluates a boolean and returns value1 if true, or value2 otherwise
returns the value that is least found a series of numeric values
returns the value that is most found a series of numeric values
returns the previous value of the attribute


returns the number of milliseconds an attribute had the current value
calculates the number of true/non-zero/non-empty items in a series of numeric values
integer(decimal or string)
converts a decimal value to it's integer value
newer([device;attribute],[...], [device;attribute], threshold)
returns the number of devices whose attribute had the current value for less than the specified number of milliseconds
older([device;attribute],[...], [device;attribute], threshold)
returns the number of devices whose attribute had the current value for more than the specified number of milliseconds
returns the number of milliseconds an attribute had the previous value


concat(string1, string2)
returns two strings appended together
Example: concat("hello ", "world") or concat("hello", " ", "world") outputs hello world
formatDuration(value[, friendly = false[, granularity = 's'[, showAdverbs = false]]])
value is a number of milliseconds
friendly = true/false (false >>> 0d 00:00:00.000, true >>> so many days, so many hours, etc)
granularity = one of ms, s, m, h, d (smallest part displayed)
showAdverbs = true/false, true adds the in .... or .... ago to friendly times
returns a nicely formatted string of time
eg: formatDuration(12029) - 00:00:12 | formatDuration(12029, true) - 12 seconds | formatDuration(12029, true, "m") - 0 minutes | formatDuration(12029, true, "ms", true) - in 12 seconds and 29 milliseconds
left(string, count)
returns a substring of a value
Example1: left("hello world", 3) outputs hel
Example2: left("hello world", 7) outputs hello w
returns a lower case value of a string
Example: lower("HELLO WORLD") outputs hello world
mid(string, start, count)
returns a substring of a value
returns characters (including spaces) specified by count after start position from string
Example1: mid("hello world", 3, 4) returns lo w
Example2: mid("hello world", 6, 3) returns wor
replace(string, search, replace[, [..], search, replace])
replaces a search text inside of a value
Example1: replace("hello world", "world", "earth") returns hello earth
Example2: replace(replace("[hello world]", "\[", "("),"\]",")") returns (hello world)
Note: There are special characters in RegEx that needs to be escaped or the script will return an error, in the above example [ and ] are RegEx special characters.
right(string, count)
returns a substring of a value
sprintf(format, arguments)
formats a series of values into a string
converts a value to it's string value
substring(string, start, count)
returns a substring of a value
returns a title case value of a string
returns an upper case value of a string


returns the value as a time type
addSeconds(dateTime, seconds)
adds seconds to time, returns the value as a time type
addMinutes(dateTime, minutes)
adds minutes to time, returns the value as a time type
addHours(dateTime, hours)
adds hours to time, returns the value as a time type
addDays(dateTime, days)
adds days to time, returns the value as a time type
addWeeks(dateTime, weeks)
adds weeks to time, returns the value as a time type