From webCoRE Wiki - Web-enabled Community's own Rule Engine
- Boolean
- bool()
- boolean()
- contains('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog', 'brown') - tests parameter 1 for parameter 2 as any word (case sensitive)
- endsWith('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog', 'brown') - tests parameter 1 for parameter 2 as the last word (case sensitive)
- eq('123', '321') - checks if both parameters are equal. This will return false
- ge(1000, 900) - Checks if parameter 1 is greater than or equal to parameter 2. This will return true.
- gt(1000, 900) - Checks if parameter 1 is greater than parameter 2. This will return true.
- isEmpty()
- le(1000, 900) - Checks if parameter 1 is less than or equal to parameter 2. This will return false.
- lt(1000, 900) - Checks if parameter 1 is less than parameter 2. This will return false.
- not()
- startsWith('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog', 'brown') - tests parameter 1 for parameter 2 as the first word (case sensitive)
- Date
- date()
- datetime
- addDays()
- addHours()
- addMinutes()
- addSeconds()
- addWeeks()
- Decimal
- avg([Device 1:temperature], [Device2:temperature], [Device 3:temperature]) - Gives you the average temperature of the three devices
- ceil()
- ceiling()
- celsius([Sensor:temperature]) - Gives the temperature reading in celsius
- decimal()
- dewPoint([Sensor:temperature], [Sensor:humidity]) - Gives you the dewpoint temperature for that sensor
- fahrenheit([Sensor:temperature]) - Gives the temperature reading in fahrenheit
- float()
- floor()
- max([Front Door :temperature], [Back Door :temperature], [test sensor :temperature]) - Returns the max value of selected devices
- median([Front Door :temperature], [Back Door :temperature], [test sensor :temperature]) - Returns the median value of selected devices
- min([Front Door :temperature], [Back Door :temperature], [test sensor :temperature]) - Returns the min value of selected devices
- number()
- power(10,3) - Evaluates parameter 1 to the parameter 2 power (e.g. 10*10*10 = 1000)
- round(75.6548, 1) - Rounds a decimal based on value of parameter 2. This will return 75.7
- sqr(100) - Gives the squared value of the parameter. This returns 10000
- sqrt(100) - Gives the square root of the parameter. This returns 10.0
- stdev()
- sum(1,5,6) - Adds all the values
- variance()
- Dynamic
- if()
- least()
- most()
- previousValue()
- Integers
- age([Device:switch) - Gives you the time in MS the device has been on
- count([Device 1:contact], [Device 2:contact], [Device 3:contact], [Device 4:contact]) - Returns the number of open doors
- int()
- integer()
- newer()
- older()
- previousAge()
- String
- concat('abc', 'def') - Returns the two strings as 'abcdef'
- format("%.2f", celsius([Sensor:temperature])) - Returns the Celsius temperature formatted with two decimals
- left('abcdef', 2) - Returns the first two characters in the string value or variable (ex: 'ab')
- lower("HELLO, WORLD") - Returns as "hello, world"
- mid('abcdef', 2, 3) - Skips the first 2 characters and returns the next 3
- replace()
- right('abcdef', 2) - Returns the last two characters in the string value or variable (ex: 'ef')
- sprintf()
- string()
- substring("abcdef", 2, 4) - Skips the first 2 characters and returns the next 4
- text()
- title("hello, world") - Returns as "Hello, World"
- upper("hello, world") - Returns as "HELLO, WORLD"
- Time